Food Resources as the Basis of the Sustainable Development And National Security In The Age Of Economic Globalization
Vladimir I. Savkin, Nina A. Pervykh
Development of society is based on the existence of food resources. During the modern technogenic era, mankind needs to find a compromise between growing needs for the food and limitation of resources. Many countries still cannot use the world experience which effectively ensures food safety. Development of strategically important branches of agriculture and formation of laws according to which the basic food has to be made within the country by forces of its own producers has to become the condition of the problem solution. In Russia, a certain reserve in achievement of threshold values ensuring food safety of the state is already created. At the same time, the problem direction is the production of meat and milk. Among priorities there has to be a creation of modern infrastructure in order to decrease the storage expenses, transportation, and production realization. The agrarian policy of the Russian Federation has to be focused on the system management, including scientific, staffing and financial support, institutional modernization, the application of global experience, and also super-compliance of the economic agents’ rights.
food resources, sustainable development, agrarian economy, the World Trade Organization
Vladimir I. Savkin, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Orel State Agrarian University, Department of Entrepreneurial Business Organization and Management in Agrarian and Industrial Complex, 302019. Russian Federation, Orel region, Orel, General Rodin Str., 69, phone (4862) 45-40-89, Fax (4862) 43-03-14, e-mail:
Nina A. Pervykh, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Orel State Agrarian University, 302019. Russia, Orel, General Rodin Str., 69, phone (4862) 76- 21-77
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