The Connection of the Methanol Economy to the Concept of the Circular Economy and Its Impact on Sustainability
Robert Magda, Judit Toth
The idea of the circular economy is gaining ground as one of the means to realize a sustainable future. The concept of a circular economy is an innovative alternative model to society‘s current “linear” mode of operation. An alternative to fossil fuels is a cycle in which carbon and methanol play a major role. Carbon use plays a major role in mitigating global climate change, while methanol as a renewable fuel can also mitigate the negative effects of climate change and bridge the problems of scarcity of ecosystem resources and rising levels of consumption. Despite the fact that a circular economy reduces the environmental burden while providing business benefits, not all circular solutions have a positive impact on sustainability. The use of CO2 as a feedstock can be a very effective tool for reducing global carbon dioxide concentration as well as reducing dependence on fossil fuels. At the same time, the environmental impacts of the technologies developed need to be accounted for in order to highlight that the technology pathway actually contributes to the sustainability goals.
circular economy; sustainability; methanol; indicators
Róbert Magda, professor, Szent István University, Institute of Economics, Law and Methodology, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly street 1, Hungary, e-mail:
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