Creation of responsible behavior and impact on sustainable customer buying behavior in retail sector
Johana Paluchová, Renáta Benda Prokeinová
Context of sustainable consumption is based on conscious and rational behaving consumer. The retail industry, from suburban big-box stores to boutique shops, is among the most public of industries. Retailers employ millions and directly enable most consumer purchases. As such, they are in a unique position to advance sustainability by educating consumers and offering products with recycled content, durability, and ethical supply chains. In this article, we write about what leading retailers are doing or not doing to advance principals of sustainability in the products or services they sell, and how the consumers sustainably thing. The article is a part of Scientifics project VEGA 1/0874/14: Use of neuromarketing in visual merchandising of food industry. The main aim of our articele is through the selected statistics methods, to analyse an impact of sustainability on consumer decision and the processes in doing a good business in final visual merchandising. Through Apriori and association rules methods, we modelled a prototype of sustainable consumer on the basis of our questionnaire research, done in 2013 year and we mention a consumer behavior to food waste.
sustainable consumption, responsible consumption, retail merchandising, apriori, association rules, food waste
Ing. Johana Paluchová, PhD., Scientifics Assistant, Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Marketing, Tr. Andreja Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, Slovakia, +421 37 641 41 45, e-mail:
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