Purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables through box schemes in Hungary – opportunities and hindering factors on the way to sustainability

Imola Szabó, József Lehota, Róbert Magda

This study examines opportunities and hindering factors of box schemes as they have been operating for many years in Hungary, but there are
several facts which make it hard for box schemes to become parts of the daily routine in the lives of Hungarian consumers. The first fact is price sensitiveness and willingness to pay price premium for environmentally friendly products, including fresh fruits and vegetables. The second fact is the lack of many products in supplies of box schemes, because fruits and vegetables are seasonal products, but this reason is not always acceptable for customers. The third fact is time wasting, which is a really hindering factor. Finally, interpretation of sustainability is the most important in the eyes of consumers. Our goal is to show how the relation between factors leads to opportunity of growth.

short food supply chain, box schemes, sustainability, price sensitiveness, price premium

Imola Szabó, PhD student, Doctoral School of Management
and Business Administration, Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly street 1, e-mail: 1.szabo.imola@gmail.com

Date of online publishing: 

Dr.h.c. Prof. Ing. Peter Bielik, PhD.
e-mail: Peter.Bielik@uniag.sk
tel: +421376415518

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