Sustainable development of cosmetic products in the frame of the laboratory market

Anita Tolnay, András Koris, Robert Magda


The main objective of the current study is to highlight sustainable development from the perspective of the cosmetics industry producing ’eco-friendly’ products. In the last decades an enhancing interest is being experienced towards sustainable development among cosmetics manufacturing companies, scientific research and development (R & D) laboratories as well as green consumers in the need for natural productssafer for health and less toxic for the environment. Several international studies show that cosmetic products formulated with natural ingredients developed by cosmetic industry has a higher annual market growth than for synthetic products. R & D puts special focus on new innovative technologies in green cosmetic products to meet the frequently updated requirements of regulations in compliance with the current legislation. Scientific laboratory market has an increasing importance to evaluate natural and organic raw materials. In this work the authors attempt to focus on the growing importance of research activities to sustainable cosmetics production in life cycle assessment methodology. Naturally, the conceptual scope and extent of this study do not permit all the possible issues to be examined from every aspects due to lack of data, thus it will be endeavored to point out merely the most relevant considerations in the field of cosmetic industry.

cosmetic industry; laboratory market; sustainability

Anita Tolnay, Szent István University, Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration, Páter Károly St. 1, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary, phone: +36303319307, e-mail:

Date of online publishing: 

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