Environmentally Conscious Lifestyle Analysis Among High School and University Students in a Hungarian Rural Town of the Heves Country

András Szeberényi


The new generation of young people has different level of knowledge about environmental awareness and environmentally friendly behaviour.
The online space can be one of the most valuable keys among others which can help to spread this kind of behaviour even more (Begley,
2008). In this study, secondary school students’ awareness of environmental issues and the level of their active participation in these activities
have been identified in the online space answering the question how the social media can help in the environmental awareness by the help of
smartphone applications. The study was carried out in Gyöngyös city by conducting a survey on students in high school and university. The
name of the high school is the Berze Nagy János Gimnázium where the total amount of 493 students were asked but only 465 questionnaires
were evaluated because 28 students were not present or they filled it out in a wrong way. In the Eszterházy Károly University the total amount of
147 students were asked. The results of the study showed a high level of environmental awareness among participating students. Students also
gain experiences in the field of environment from mass media and social media (Kovács, 2010).

environmental awareness; environmentally friendly behaviour; online space; social media; high school students

András Szeberényi, PhD Student, Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly str. 1, Hungary, e-mail: andras.szeberenyi@gmail.com

Date of online publishing: 

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