Examination of the Impact of Health Status on Economic Performance in Hungary
Izabella Mária Bakos, Csaba Bálint
For a long time it has been a well-known and proven fact that economic growth of a country contributes to improvement of the health status
of population. There is at the same time another type of opposite relationship starting from health status and pointing to the performance of
economy. In our study, besides giving a general presentation of the health situation in Hungary, we examined the direction and strength of the
relations between health and economic indicators and the inequalities that can be identified between the different regions with help of statistical
methods. Another objective of the study was to examine the factors influencing mortality, and to develop a multiple linear regression equation
to estimate the degree of mortality at a confidence interval of 95%. The results could provide a good basis to determine the intervention points
necessary to alleviate and improve the economic burden of bad health status and diseases.
health status; healthcare; economic performance; Hungary
Izabella Mária Bakos, Szent István University, HU-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly u. 1., Hungary, e-mail: bakosizabella89@gmail.com
Date of online publishing:
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