Being a Young Jobseeker in an Emerging Economy and Circular Economy – A Comparative Analysis of the Turkish and Hungarian Situations

Abdulkerim Yavuzaslan, Ahmet Barişçil


The goal of the present paper is to analyze the number of young job seekers and their particularities in two emerging economies, Turkey and
Hungary, with help of the quantitative approach. Even though the two nations share the title of emerging economies as they have produced
a relatively spectacular growth in the recent past, they also present a number of historical, political, cultural and economic discrepancies.
Unemployment is one of the negative aspects of market economy, and a sign of the level of solidarity within the society, that of the respect and
the utility of the young, the quality and market conformity of the educational system and many other facets of human existence. The number of
young jobseekers can measure the efficiency of the policy makers and the managers but also depends on external and internal factors such as
the habitat, the sex and the educational background of the young or the subsequent political and economic turmoil. The comparison conducted
on the basis of data analysis of the two systems is aimed at proving that similarities and differences, results and failures can be a lesson to be
learned for both newly developing countries.

Turkey, Hungary, unemployment, data analysis, circular economy

Abdulkerim Yavuzaslan, Szent Istvan University, Management and Business Administration PhD School, H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. u. 1., Hungary, e-mail:

Date of online publishing: 

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