The Environmental Assessment of the Intensity of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Anthropogenically Transformed Soils
Lidia P. Stepanova, Elena V. Yakovlevа, A.V. Pisarev
The protection of urban soils and soils located near arterial highways from heavy metal contamination is an environmental issue which has
not been resolved in megalopoleis. Purposeful scientific experimental data obtained on the basis of field and laboratory studies is required
in order to solve these problems, which has determined the choice of the research objective: to assess the degree of degradation changes in
anthropogenically transformed soils in Moscow and Orel regions in terms of total content of heavy metals and their degree of mobility.
soil certificate, farming system, natural landscape, degradation, soil erosion, agro-technology
Elena V. Yakovlevа, Ph.D. in Agriculture, assistant professor of Orel SAU, 302019. Russia, Orel, General Rodin Str., 69, (: +7 962 480 9115, e-mail:
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