Network Farming Co-operation Concept for Sustainable Agribusiness
Illes Balazs
This article starts with a broader view on the Hungarian agricultural holding system in order to find improvement possibilities in this segment.
It is established on the supposition that a vertically created chain that could bring joint effort to create a group or network among the various
actors in agribusiness which can lead to a more profitable operation, it can enhance sustainability and create technological development. The
article also represents the energy farm concept where the different agricultural actors can work together in a sustainable system which can
generate welfare to their production site and also to their settlement.
energy farm concept, agribusiness networks
Illés Balázs, Szent István Egyetem Gazdaság-és Társadalomtudományi Kar – 2103 Gödöllő, PáterKárolyutca, Hungary, 067 07 019 157, e-mail:
Date of online publishing:
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