Development of Euro-regional cooperation of Ukraine in the context of the Visegrad experience
Vitalii Petruk, Elena Kovtun
The goal of this paper is to analyze the dynamics of cooperation of Ukraine with the Visegrad countries with the aim to integrate into the
political, economic, legal and humanitarian space in Europe and build the benchmark for system reforms to modernize Ukraine. Therefore, the
study of problems of Euroregional cooperation is essential, given the complex circumstances surrounding the modern integration processes.
The need to take into account the experience of regional policy of the Visegrad countries in the context of globalization and expansion of
the EU influence is undeniable. Multilateral cooperation of Ukraine with the countries of Visegrad during the last decade is characterized by
significant achievements. The close historical ties and common foreign policy goals of modern Ukraine and Visegrad laid the foundation for
effective development of good neighbourly relations at the present stage and created opportunities for further large-scale cooperation in the
future. It is safe to say that Visegrad-Ukrainian relations are rather balanced, thanks to the successful implementation of bilateral and multilateral
agreements achieved after the regular meetings at all levels. All this creates a solid foundation for further expansion of this cooperation on the
basis of the joint account of the interests of the parties.
Visegrad, Ukraine, euroregional cross-border cooperation, regional development
Dr. Elena Kovtun, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroyiv Oborony str. 11, Kyiv, Ukraine, phone:+380 44 5 278 133, cell: +38067 5 381 881, e-mail:
Date of online publishing:
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