Impact of WTO accession on agriculture sustainable development in the Russian Federation
Sergei Garnik, Olga Sokolnikova
In the globalized context of the modern world, the phenomenon of regional integration is one of the most significant factors influencing every aspect of social and economic development of the society. In this regard, new economic relations are formed in Russia in all sectors of the economy, including its industrial agricultural complex. Russian economy as a whole and its agriculture are experiencing the effects of various factors that have both a global and regional perspectives.
world trade organization, Russian agriculture, crop farming, animal husbandry
Sergei V. Garnik, Degree: Dr. Sciences, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, Vice Rector for International Affairs of Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, 127550, 49 Timirjazevskaja Street, Moscow, Russian Federation ( 8(499)976 43 98, Fax: 8(499) 976 29 10, e-mail:
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